Rolling Over Returns into the 1040 Product

1040 returns from the previous tax year may be rolled over to the current year 1040 Product.

Upon opening a rolled over return, if forms that have not yet been released are attached to a return that is rolled over, you will be given the option to automatically rollover these forms when they become available.

If you have already selected the 3 states to be used with the 1040 Product and you roll over a return with a state return attached that is not one of the 3 states you selected to use with your 1040 product, upon opening the return, you will be given the option to use a PRS return (if you have PRS returns available) or to purchase a PRS return (if none are presently available for use). If you click Cancel, the return will roll over without the state forms attached.

If you have NOT yet selected one or more states and you roll over a return with a state return attached and that state is not one of the states you selected, upon opening the return, you will be given the option to use a PRS return (if you have PRS returns available) or to purchase a PRS return (if none are presently available for use), or to select the desired state(s) to be used with your 1040 package.


See Also:

Rollover Manager

Rollover Manager Preferences

Rollover Returns from Last Year

ATX™ 2016 1040 Product